FREEHOLD – June 17, 2024 – Dangerous levels of heat are forecast in New Jersey, beginning tomorrow, according to the National Weather Service. Expected temperatures are expected to soar into the high 90s in some areas this week and a heat advisory is in effect for 17 counties throughout the state.

On hot days, the National Weather Service recommends that New Jersey residents drink fluids, stay in cooler rooms, keep out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors, especially older people and those who live alone.

The New Jersey Utilities Association (NJUA) also recommends that New Jersey residents use energy and water efficiently while taking steps to stay safe and comfortable. Heat, humidity and increased demand for electricity to power air conditioners can place stress on electric delivery equipment. The heat also increases water usage and can stress water delivery systems as well.

“While our utilities are ready for first heat wave of the year, it makes sense that residents and businesses do the right thing,” said Richard Henning, president & CEO, NJUA. "There is great potential to save energy and water, especially in peak hours, by doing laundry later in the evening or setting your thermostat a couple of degrees higher."

The NJUA offers the following tips to stay cool and save during the heat wave:

  • Keep shades, blinds and curtains closed. About 40 percent of unwanted heat comes through windows.

  • Use Fans Strategically: Fans circulate air, creating a windchill effect. Position them to draw in cooler air or exhaust hot air.

  • Shorter Showers, Cooler Comfort: Reduce shower time and consider switching to cool showers. This saves water and reduces the energy needed for hot water heating.

  • Wash Wisely: Run full loads of laundry and dishes, and at night whenever possible. This reduces the number of cycles needed and conserves water. Consider air-drying clothes instead of using the energy-intensive dryer.

  • Thermostat Tweaks: Raise your thermostat setting a few degrees. Even a small increase can significantly reduce energy consumption while maintaining relative comfort.

  • Unplug the Phantoms: Eliminate phantom energy drain by unplugging electronics and chargers when not in use. These devices continue to consume power even on standby mode.

  • Consider investing in a smart thermostat. These programmable devices allow you to adjust the temperature based on your daily routine and even weather conditions, optimizing energy usage.

“New Jersey residents have always stepped up in a big way during heat waves, but with the hot temperatures here now in the earliest part of summer, the ability to stay cool and comfortable is paramount for their health and safety,” Henning said. “You can count on our utilities to do their part in the coming days and help the state meet this challenge.”  

He also pointed out that the heat wave could also bring thunderstorms, which can affect the overhead delivery system and cause outages. Henning said the NJUA urges all residents to stay away from any wires that are downed during storms and contact your local police department or your utility to report downed wires.

Allison Iacullo